Upland Woodland Mix

This mix is suitable for well-drained partially shaded to shaded areas where a native herbaceous community is desired. It is excellent for restoration of areas formerly devoted to lawn or degraded woods where invasive shrub removal has taken place.

Download Upland Woodland Mix Specifications

PLS oz/acreGrasses and Sedges
1Carex cephalophora (Short-Headed Bracted Sedge)
1Carex gracillima (Graceful Wood Sedge)
1Carex sparganioides (Burreed Sedge)
8Diarrhena obovata (Beak Grass)
16Elymus hystrix (Bottlebrush Grass)
16Elymus riparius (Riverbank Wild Rye)
5Elymus villosus (Silky Wild Rye)
48Elymus virginicus (Virginia Wild Rye)
PLS oz/acreForbs
2Ageratina altissima (White Snakeroot)
1Aquilegia canadensis (Wild Columbine)
2Eutrochium purpureum (Sweet Joe-Pye Weed)
3Heliopsis helianthoides (False Sunflower)
2Penstemon calycosus (Smooth Penstemon)
1Solidago caesia (Blue-Stemmed Goldenrod)
2Symphyotrichum cordifolium (Heart-leaved Blue Wood Aster)
1Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Side-Flowering Aster)
2Symphyotrichum shortii (Short’s Aster)